Monday, January 25, 2010


I've been scanning through blogs looking for ones I might be interested in following. I've noticed that the majority of them are about families and raising kids. Some of my best friends and aquaintances are starting families. It's alarming how life jumps from graduating college to badaboom IT'S A FETUS! I always thought I wanted to have kids by 25 but now that I've been living on my own with Braden and taking care of Bax, I've realized that I've got quite a lot of growing up to do before creating a new life. I always wanted to be one of those young, pleasant moms...though it startles me when I see moms with 3 year olds in Hallmark who are younger than me.

So should Braden and I get married, we've agreed on this. NO MORE THAN 2. (this comment frequently comes out when we're drunk.) And I'm aiming for 29 1/2 years old. That gives me a little over 5 years to get my act together...whatever that may be.

Pregnancy does fascinate me though. I definitely have a ticking biological clock. I think I'd rather enjoy it. I've always had a weird fascination with how the body works, even the gross stuff. This probably explains why I enjoying grooming Braden and popping his blackheads on a regular basis. I know, that's disgusting but there's something so soothing about.

In any case, check out my friend Amy's journey into motherhood: As it turns out, I'm quoted in today's title. Hooray for blog fame!

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