Wednesday, October 6, 2010


There's a little known musical of one-acts called The Apple Tree. The acts revolve around stories about relationships between men and women, in a dated 1960s battle of the sexes kind of way that somehow seems nostalgic today. The first act is a fleshed out whimsical version of Adam & Eve, the second a vampy parable about The Lady or The Tiger. The third is an American Cinderella story about a nasally chimney sweeper girl who by the magic of her Fairy Godmother in her television, turns into a beautiful blonde bombshell movie star called Passionella...but it only lasts until 4am when the Late Late Show ends. It's cute, and a fantastic star vehicle.

I was going to play Passionella. But as soon as I gotten the offer and as soon as I let my excitement bubble over and as soon as I had shared the news with my fiance, the show was off. As these things seem to happen, the show fell through. Time, money, and not enough men is always the way the sad performance story goes.


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