Sunday, September 12, 2010

The New Friend Conundrum

It is hard to make friends once your out of the college. It is especially hard for ME to make friends in general. It's not that I don't meet new people. I have that moment after I meet them  and I'm staring at my phone in confusion "should I call them? should I wait for them to call me?" So I usually text them (hey would you like to go get sushi on Wednesday? I had so much fun meeting you.") and either they are busy or something comes up in my life. And I apologize and I NEVER HEAR FROM THEM AGAIN. I don't try to meet up with them again because, gosh, it was just too hard the first time.

There was a girl I met at a bar about 6 months ago. She was really into film and we seemed to hit it off even though we were both tipsy. I pretty much assumed we were destined to be best buddies. So I had her number in my phone and went the through the whole "let's get sushi" charade. Nothing ever happened. At some point during a metaphysical contact cleaning months later, I deleted her number.

So I had dinner at PF Changs last weekend, where she works and she recognized me! Holy cow! Serendipitous friendship! I imagined wonderful girly dates of window shopping and guilt-free gelato. I said I would call her only to realize later that I DIDN'T HAVE HER PHONE NUMBER. I also, I never knew her last name. This friendship was starting to feel like a one night stand that I had shrouded in glory.

So I can go back to Chang's and if she's there ask for her phone number (or ask from her co-workers...that's not creepy). Braden suggests I troll the Facebook search box for an hour and see if I recognize her face. Or I can just wait until we meet again...fate could be on my side, right?

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